Saturday, June 5, 2010

Passion of a 3rd grader

I subscribe to a daily email that I receive from This website has posts from people all over the world which are called Inspirational Luminaries. Gail Goodwin is the founder of this website and she says that she created this site as "I have always been a seeker of information, especially that of a spiritual or motivational nature."

This morning I opened up my emails and as usual there was my email from InspireMeToday. Sometimes I do not read them but today I noticed that the name of this luminary was Zack!! I clicked on the link and I read a story about Zack who was in 3rd grade. He decided to act on an impulse, a gut instinct (what I call inspired action) to follow something that he felt strongly about. I will not go into the whole story here suffice to say that it is well worth reading. I have included a link to the story at the end of my post.

I followed my intuition and took some inspired action by deciding to write about the email I received since what Zack had done in his life speaks right at the heart of what I am about - looking to our childhood passions (the things we loved to do when we were kids) and then using those in the life that we lead now as adults.

I invite you to read his story and then ask yourself"

1) What did I feel strongly about when I was growing up?
2) What inspired action did I take?
3) In my life today how can I find that same inspiration?

Pleased post a comment and let me know your comments. If you prefer you can email me directly


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