Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today I had a date with myself

During the week I was asked to participate in an event today. My first reaction was to say YES but then I remembered I had set aside today for me. I already had plans to spend the day with me. For the first time choosing me instead of something or someone else felt quite liberating. I didn't feel guilty about saying no because setting aside this time for myself was very important.

So now here I am today, on my date with myself. I didn't really dress for the occasion but I am fully present!!. I knew there were some things I needed to get done around the house so I attended to those first and then I got comfortable on my favorite sofa surrounded by my purple comforter, my ipod, my journal and my dog!! My better half was stuck in his kingdom working on a project so I had all this time to myself.

I closed my eyes as I lay back into a comfortable position and I began my quiet conversation. It went something like this:

There is nothing I need to worry about. No-where I need to be, no-one I need to see and nothing I need to do. I can relax and enjoy this time with myself.

As I lay there I began to feel calm and peaceful. I sank even deeper into my into myself. I called on my guides and helpers in the universe and I asked for their help in moving forward in my life. There are so many things that I want to do with my life and I asked them for some inspiration and most of all guidance.

My mind started to drift and easily I just bought my focus back and continued with:

There is nothing I need to worry about. No-where I need to be, no-one I need to see and nothing I need to do. I can relax and enjoy this time with myself.

This time I felt the cool breeze from the fan blow over me and it felt good. I started to listen for the sounds around me in a way of just letting them be. Just then I heard and plane fly overhead. Probably a small twin engine. I imagined that the plane now directly above me opened up a side door and began dropping all the things I would need to help me along in my journey of life. All the people I would meet, all the tools I would need. Everything was dropping down to me and I imagined myself picking them up, putting them in bag and placing the bag on my back. I had a sense that I now had everything I needed to get on with my life. Everything is ready and waiting.

This meditation was short and sweet. It was unplanned and without thought. I just let the thoughts unfold. I was not trying to control the direction or the content. Tomorrow I will do it again and if nothing else I will remember:

There is nothing I need to worry about. No-where I need to be, no-one I need to see and nothing I need to do. I can relax and enjoy this time with myself.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Choosing a career?

I have been working with kids for the last two years and I have really been inspired about their zest for life. I have had many great conversations with them about their lives and more specifically who or what they want to be when they 'get older'. Almost all of them knew exactly what they wanted to do. Time and time again I found myself being distracted by my ongoing notion that we all inherently know what we want to do with our lives; what we are passionate about but we get taken off course as our childhood turns into teenhood and then adulthood. Then, before you know it your dreams become vacant parking lots where no-one hangs out anymore. You've even forgotten how to get there. Your life has become boring, uninspiring or you just feel that things are not right.

Well I am here to help you get back on track. Help you find your way back to the parking lot to claim your space and thrive. And if you are just getting started with your life decisions then I am here to help you make the best decisions for you that speak to your heart and dreams that will fuel you into tomorrow.

So that all being said . . . please write a few lines about your thoughts on the matter. Please also let us know about what you career you are in . . . one that makes your heart sing and feel alive or one that just gets you by.

If you still choosing a career what are some areas that you are considering and WHY?