Friday, October 1, 2010

The Secret

I have been waking up every morning these last few days - imagine that!! I have also been listening to the audio version of The Secret. I have seen the movie twice but somehow listening to it again has a different impact on my life. If nothing else all I have to remember is that my thoughts create my reality - what I think about I will attract and create.

As Rhonda Byrne so eloquently puts it:

1) Ask for what you want - this step gets your mind clear
2) Believe that you will get what you ask for
3) Receive - be ready for it

I find that these three steps while so easy to write down really require me to work with my mind. Step 2 requires some extra care on my part and I remain open and trusting to the notion that I will get it. Then of course nothing beats that proof that real life experience will give you when you start to receive the things you want.

C'mon give it a bash - see where it takes you too!!

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