Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Life coach rocks is back again.

I have just finished reading Scott Whittig's book called HOLY IT. It was a short, concise and easy read. He covered some very interesting topics related to finding and creating your IT in life. I love the way he shared his own personal experiences about some of the struggles he had to overcome in order to create his IT and finally bring the book to fruition.

As I was reading though I noticed that I was still struggling to discover my  IT. To this end I was still out on a limb. I then began thinking about all the terrific books I had read that talk about passion, purpose, and a dream life -  finding it and living it. The finding it part had still eluded me somewhat. I was stuck on how do I discover what my IT is? I hadn't found any good method that I could use to begin to create my IT.

Now I know about meditating, writing down my desires, creating possibilities, using a dream board, allowing the space to just "be" in order to open up . . . I think you know where I am going with this. There are some really great tips and methods that you can use that will give you a peek into living an inspired life.

BUT here's what I keep coming back to . . . HOW DO I FIND WHAT IT IS? How do I wade through some of the mental anguish to find what it is that I really want to do with my life; what my passions are and how I can bundle these into something called a career.

I would find myself taking an interest in all kinds of things and then as soon as that skill or path was somewhat mastered I would move onto something else. I kept wondering about how a person knows what it is that they really want. I witnessed many people who seemed to sail through the process of discovering their passion and creating it. They did not seem to need any guru or self help book. And so it dawned on me that we all must somehow inherently know what it is that we are passionate about and somewhere along the line that path gets interrupted, disrupted and blown off course.

This got me thinking about my childhood and some of the things I was really interested in and what activities would occupy most of my time. What things I would could get in to without a moments hesitation and continue to do for hours without watching the clock or whether it would ever amount to anything.

If you had to ask me what it was that I loved to do as a child I would tell you that it was to stand up in front of my imaginary class and teach. Everyday after school I would come home and go into a small room where I had my blackboard set up with chalk and duster. I would then go ahead and begin my class. I spent hours up in front of my make believe classroom world and spoke and spoke and spoke. When I was in high school I wanted to become a school teacher. I thrived on being able to educate people and talk in front of an audience. Oddly enough though I was very shy and I did not enjoy having to speak in front of the class. When I look back though, those times were mostly about having to talk about things that I was not interested in. I remember specifically having to get up an talk about a subject I was very interested in and although I was nervous to speak, once I began I felt exhilarated and was quite happy to stand up and speak.

As I scanned though my 37 years of life I began to notice that when I was speaking to people either one on one, a group or large audience and I had the opportunity to talk about things that really mattered to me there was a very different way that I would feel. My heart would be racing, I couldn't get the words out fast enough. I spoke with some profound understanding of what it was that I was speaking about. I knew . . . I just knew that this is what I what I wanted to do.

I wanted to speak to and in front of people about life,passion, purpose, power. And I knew that if I followed my intuition and took inspired actions that this would all fit together and work out in a way that I could one day have my dream life.

NOW . . . what if I had had someone around me when I was younger and I was making all the decisions about career path? If I had someone to help me articulate who I was in the world, what I was passionate about and remind me of what I do for hours without concern about time and money. What if that someone said to me that THIS IS YOUR IT and that if you follow it you will certainly have a career that fulfills and inspires you. Well I didn't and of course hind sight is always 20/20. But I do have the experience of it and I do have the tools now to recreate my life the way I want; the way it has me feel inspired and alive. I invite you to share with me where you are in your path and join in the fun of re-discovering your passions with the insight from your childhood.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm a mom of 2 young girls. Thanks to your post, I'll try to recognize their IT and encourage them to follow it.